Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Alphabetical Index: Speaker Index: [Info] Baader, Meike S. »Zum beredten Schweigen der Disziplin Erziehungswissenschaft in Geschichte und Gegenwart.« Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft. Erkner 2023. [Info] Baba, Ai. »A Case for Including Asexuality in the Study of History: Fighting Against Historical Amnesiaand Evasion of Colonial Responsibility.« 38th Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. Atlanta 2018. [Info] Backes, Bethany L., et al. »A Systematic Review of Campus Sexual Assault Prevalence Rates in the United States: Findings from the Last 15 Years.« 1st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Washington, DC 2015. [Info] Backhouse, Constance. »Her Protests Were Unavailing: Australian Legal Understandings of Rape, Consent and Sexuality in the 'Roaring Twenties'.« Annual Conference of the Association of Australian Studies in North America. Ottawa 2000. [Info] Backhouse, Constance. »"Don't You Bully Me; Justice I Want If There Is Justice To Be Had": The Rape of Mary Ann Burton, London, Ontario 1907.« Twelfth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. Storrs 2002. [Info] Backhouse, Constance. »Sexually Abused Children as Witnesses: Lessons from History.« Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law. Berlin 2007. [Info] Backhouse, Constance. »Canada's First Capital "L" Lesbian Sexual Assault Trial: Yellowknife, 1955.« Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association and the Canadian Law and Society Association. Montreal 2008. [Info] Backhouse, Constance. »Canada's First Same-Sex "Lesbian" Sexual Assault Prosecution.« Annie Macdonald Langstaff Workshop. Montreal 2010. [Info] Backhouse, Constance. »From a Kiss to the Courts: Canada's First Capital 'L' Lesbian Sexual Assault Trial.« Annual Avie Bennett Historica-Dominion Institute Chair in Canadian History Public Lecture. Toronto 2010. [Info] », Mary. »Teaching Biblical Narratives Involving Sexual Violation.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Washington, D.C., 2006. [Info] Baechle, Sarah. »Authority, Testimony, Survival: How to Speak about Chaucer's Rapes.« 55th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2020. [Info] Baechle, Sarah. »Malyne's Multivalent Tears: Rape, Trauma, and the "Reasonable" Victim.« 55th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2020. [Info] Baechle, Sarah. »Malyne's Multivalent Tears: Rape, Trauma, and the "Reasonable" Victim.« 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Virtual 2021. [Info] Bailey, Beth, et al. »Gender and Conflict: A New Journal, New Questions.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017. [Info] Bak, John S. »A Streetcar Named Dies Irae: Tennessee Williams and the Semiotics of Rape.« Lecture / Université Nancy. Nancy 1998. [Info] Bak, John S. »The Semiotics of the Theatre: The Case of Rape in A Streetcar Named Desire.« Lecture / Université Nancy. Nancy 2004. [Info] Bak, John S. »A Streetcar Named Dies Irae: Tennessee Williams and the Semiotics of Rape.« 22nd Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival. New Orleans 2007. [Info] Baker, Bruce E. »Lynch Law Reversed: The Lynching of Manse Waldrop.« Lynching and Racial Violence in America: Histories and Legacies. Atlanta 2002. [Info] Baker, Carrie. »Unmasking the Roots of Sexual Harassment in Male Domination: Blue Collar Activism in the Early Movement Against Sexual Harassment.« 10th Annual Conference of the International Coalition Against Sexual Harassment. Chicago 2002. [Info] Baker, Carrie. »Violence against Women or Economic Discrimination? Differing Representations of Sexual Harassment in the Second Wave Women's Movement.« Annual Conference of the National Women's Studies Association. Las Vegas 2002. [Info] Baker, Carrie. »Sex, Power, and Politics: Pioneers of the Movement against Sexual Harassment.« Annual Women's History Month Lecture. Milledgeville 2003. [Info] Baker, Carrie. »Sex, Power, and Politics: The Origins of Sexual Harassment Policy in the United States.« Lecture / Shorter College. 2005. [Info] Baker, Catherine. »Rape in Seventeenth Century Massachusetts.« Third Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. Bryn Mawr 1976. [Info] Baker, Catherine, et al. »Breaking the Silence: Gender and Genocide.« Lecture / The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide. London 2017. [Info] Baldwin, Annabelle J. »Hidden Trauma: Sexual Violence Against Jewish Children in Hiding during the Holocaust.« 44th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Chicago 2012. [Info] Banwell, Stacy. »Children of the Enemy: Exploring the Unresolved Trauma of Genocidal Rape.« 20th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Virtual 2020. [Info] Bar-On, Shraga. »When the Tribes of Israel Were Allowed to Intermarry: Biblical Trauma and Midrashic Recovery.« 45th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Boston 2013. [Info] Barahona, Renato. »Coercion, Sexuality and the Law in Early Modern Spain, 1500-1700.« 110th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Atlanta 1996. [Info] Barahona, Renato. »Coaccí y violencia en la sexualidad moderna.« Sexo y Violencia en España. Cordoba 1998. [Info] Baranello, Micaela. »Sexual Violence Onstage: Don Giovanni.« Lecture / Columbia University. New York 2016. [Info] Barber, E. Susan, et al. »"Unlawfully and Against Her Consent": Rape and Sexual Assault in Civil War Tennessee.« 96th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Memphis 2003. [Info] Barber, Susan. »"Unlawfully and against Her Consent": Rape and Sexual Assault in the American Civil War.« The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006. [Info] Barber, E. Susan, et al. »Dangerous Liaisons: Women's Civil War Work and Sexual Justice.« 60th Anniversary Conference of the European Association for American Studies. The Hague 2014. [Info] Barco, Genesis, mod. »#metoo Reading Sexual Violence Now.« 27th Annual Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Association Conference. Auburn 2019. [Info] Bardaglio, Peter W. »'Calculated to Excite Indignation in Every Heart': Rape and the Law in the Antebellum South.« 57th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Fort Worth 1991. [Info] Bardaglio, Peter W. »Sex Crimes, Sexuality, and the Courts in the Antebellum South.« Second Southern Conference on Women's History. Chapel Hill 1991. [Info] Bardaglio, Peter W. »Children, Sexual Violence, and the Law in the New South.« 1995 Porter L. Fortune, Jr. History Symposium. Oxford 1995. [Info] Bardaglio, Peter W. »Sexual Assault, Fraud, and Womanhood in the Victorian South.« Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal History. Richmond 1996. [Info] Bardaglio, Peter W. »'Rape by Fraud': Honor and the Construction of Identity in the Nineteenth-Century South.« 42nd Annual Meeting of the British Association for American Studies. Birmingham 1997. [Info] Bardaglio, Peter W. »"Unmatched in Iniquity": Race, Marriage, and Rape Narratives in the Nineteenth-Century South.« 66th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Louisville 2000. [Info] Bardaglio, Peter W. »White Girlhood, Rape, and the Courts in the Postbellum South.« History of Childhood in America Conference. Washington, D.C. 2000. [Info] Barger, Lilian C., et al. »How Sex Became a Civil Liberty.« New Books in Gender Studies. New Books Network 2015. [Info] Baris, Tommaso. »"Non uscivi manco a mente": La difficile memoria degli stupri di massa del 1944 lungo la linea Gustav.« Terzo Congresso della Società Italiana delle Storiche. Florence 2003. [Info] Barker, Deborah E. »Representing the Southern Rape Complex in Literature and Film.« From the Blank Page to the Silver Screen: Film Adaptations in the English Speaking World. Lorient 2006. [Info] Barker, Deborah. »The Southern Rape Complex: From "The Birth of a Nation" to "Gone with the Wind".« 73rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Richmond 2007. [Info] Bärner, Burkhard. »Sexualität und Gewalt in den Isl&ändersagas.« 3. DACH-Studierendentagung der Skandinavistik. Vienna 2016. [Info] Bärner, Burkhard, et al. »Gewalt in den Isländersagas.« Skandilös Ep. 6 (2018). [Info] Barnes, Elizabeth. »"I Saw Their Stars": Race, Rape, and Policing in the Reconstruction South.« 85th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Louisville 2019. [Info] Barnes, Hannah, et al. »Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Sexual Abuse.« The Report. British Broadcasting Corporation 2015. [Info] Barnes-Brus, Tori, et al. »Courtroom Storytelling and the Legal Construction of Sexual Consent: Prosecuting Compulsory Prostitution in New York City, 1908-1915.« Social Science History Association Annual Meeting. Minneapolis 2006. [Info] Barnes-Brus, Tori, et al. »Narrative and Sexual Consent: Compulsory Prostitution in Progressive era New York City.« American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. New York 2007. [Info] Barnes-Brus, Tori, et al. »Pimps on Trial: Compulsory Prostitution and Sexual Consent in Early 20th Century New York City.« Social Policy, Social Ideology, Social Change. Chicago 2007. [Info] Barnett, Pamela E. »Rape and Repudiation, Masochism and Masculinity in James Dickey's Deliverance.« 42nd Annual Convention of the Midwestern Modern Language Association. Kansas City 2000. [Info] Barnett, Pamela E. »Rape and Racial Discourse.« Lecture / Duke University. Durham 2001. [Info] Barnett, Pamela E. »Representing Rape and Race in the Sixties.« University of South Carolina Women's Studies Conference. Columbia 2003. [Info] Barnett, Pamela E. »Literature of Sexual Freedom and Sexual Violence Since the Sixties.« 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference. Rochester 2006. [Info] Barraclough, Ruth. »Factory Girl Literature: Sexuality, Violence and Representation in Industrializing Korea.« Lecture / University of Minnesota. Minneapolis 2012. [Info] Barrett, Robert W, Jr. »Rape and Sexual Economies in John Gower's Confessio Amantis.« 33rd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1998. [Info] Barrington, Candace. »Chaucer, Rape, and Consent.« Crime and Punishment: Law and Literature in Medieval England. Groningen 2020. [Info] Barrow, Andrew. »Cataloguing Violence: Uncertainty and Cruelty in Burney's Evelina.« 25th Annual Conference of the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Association. Chapel Hill 2017. [Info] Barrow, Robin. »George Moore and the Aesthetics of Rape.« Taking Liberties: Sex, Pleasure, Coercion (1748-1928). Newcastle upon Tyne 2012. [Info] Barrow, Robin. »Raped on the Railway? Sex, Safety, and Moral Panic in the Victorian Press.« The Global and the Local. Venice 2013. [Info] Barry, Jennifer. »Dismissing Sexual Violence: Augustine and the Sack of Rome.« Lecture / University of Mary Washington. Fredericksburg 2018. [Info] Barry, Jennifer. »A Bad Romance: Melania the Younger and the Male Fantasy.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego 2019. [Info] Barton, Ange. »A woman's words: What are they worth? Rape in Aotearoa/New Zealand newspapers: 1975-2015.« Women's Studies Association of New Zealand Conference. Auckland 2016. [Info] Barton, Deborah. »Analysis of Buried Words from a historical perspective.« Sexual Violence in the Context of the Holocaust, Genocide and War. Montreal 2018. [Info] Basic, Goran. »Definitions of War Violence and Reconciliation in Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina.« First International Scientific and Professional Conference of Victimology in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo 2015. [Info] Batt, Catherine. »Malory and Rape.« 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1995. [Info] Bautch, Kelley N.C. »Seduction or Rape? Examining the Fate of the Angels' Wives.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Washington, D.C. 2006. [Info] Beard, Mary. »Lucretia and the Politics of Sexual Violence.« Gifford Lectures. Edinburgh 2019. [Info] Beck, Anna E. »Rape and the Word paelex: Agency and Opprobrium.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Beck, Birgit. »Wehrmacht und sexuelle Gewalt.« Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe siècle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008. [Info] Beck-Heppner, Birgit. »Bagatelle oder Verbrechen? Die Wehrmachtsjustiz und sexuelle Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg.« Europäische Sommer-Universität Ravensbrück. Fürstenberg/Havel 2007. [Info] Becker, Sarah K. »Filmische Fantasien zwischen Rache und Suizid.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022. [Info] Beclin, Katharina. »Von "Sittlichkeitsdelikten" zu einem umfassenden strafrechtlichen Schutz der sexuellen Integrität: Rückblick, aktuelle Rechtslage und Ausblick.« Sexuelle Gewalt - von der 'Moderne' zur Gegenwart. Vienna 2018. [Info] Beecher, Ruth. »Bearing witness to distress? The historian, the health practitioner and the sexually abused child.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023. [Info] Beecher, Ruth, et al., org. 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023. [Info] Beek, A. Everett. »Gendering Anna Perenna.« 148th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies. Toronto 2017. [Info] Beek, Anna A. »Rape and Reconciliation: Flora in the Fasti.« 110th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Waco 2014. [Info] Behlau, Winfried. »Thistleflowers, Russian Children in Germany: From a Silenced Rape Child to a Writer, Editor and Public Speaker.« 21st Century Reflections on Sexual Violence in Wars, its Transgenerational and Transnational Impact. Ottawa 2018. [Info] Bell, Kristin A. »The Phenomenon of Sexual Violence in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.« 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology Atlanta 2013. [Info] Bell, Peter, chair. »Art and Rape Culture: Aesthetics and Politics of an Iconography.« 70th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Chicago 2024. [Info] Bell-Metereau, Rebecca. »Abduction, Rape, and Revenge in Lolita, Dragon Tattoo, and Room.« 58th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Chicago 2017. [Info] Bellei, Francesca. »The Great Beauty and the Eternal Victim in Italian Literature from Dante to the Risorgimento.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Bello, Taiwo. »Paying the Price: Women and Violence in the Nigerian Civil War, 1967–70.« 138th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. New York 2025. [Info] Ben-Yaakov, Reut. »“It's Doubtful … It Isn't Even Logical, It Can't Be Proved, and It's Crazy”: Suspicion and Insinuations in Amos Oz’s Literature.« 54th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Boston 2022. [Info] Benvindo, Bruno, et al. »Occupation et violences sexuelles en Europe (1914-1945).« Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe siècle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008. [Info] Berco, Cristian. »Constructing Homosexual Rape in Early Modern Spain: The Sexual Economies of Victims, Accusers and Judges in Inquisitorial Sodomy Cases.« Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. San Antonio 2002. [Info] Berebitsky, Julie. »Sex and the Office: A History of Gender, Power and Desire.« New Books in Gender Studies. New Books Network 2013. [Info] Berebitsky, Julie K., chair. »Protective Legislation in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century America.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017. [Info] Bergen, Raquel K. »Still a Long Way to Go: Comparing Services to Survivors of Wife Rape in 1994 and 2004.« 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Toronto 2005. [Info] Bergoffen, Debra. »ICTY Kunarac Case: The Judgment of February 22, 2001.« The Perpetration of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: Sources of Explanation. Hamburg 2010. [Info] Bergoffen, Debra, et al. »A Conversation on Sexual Violence during Genocide.« »Against Our Will«-Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015. [Info] Bergoffen, Debra. »The Genocidal Policies of Rape, Shame, and Disgust.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016. [Info] Bergold, Louisa M.U. »The Popularity of Lucretia in Sixteenth-Century Germany.« 70th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Chicago 2024. [Info] Bernhardt, Fabian. »Rape and Revenge: Propädeutik des Kampfes oder vergebliche Fantasie? Zur affektpolitischen Bedeutung des kulturellen Imaginären.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022. [Info] Berridge, Susan. »'Happy Endings?' Self-contained Episodes of Sexual Violence Teen Drama Series.« 6th Annual Conference of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Postgraduate Network. Bangor 2009. [Info] Berridge, Susan. »Sexual Violence and Revelations: Homophobic Abuse as a Catalyst for Coming out in Teen Drama Series.« 20th Screen Studies Conference. Glasgow 2010. [Info] Berridge, Susan. »Starting with Sexualised Violence: Feminist Concerns in Heroine TV Pilots.« Television for Women: An International Conference. Coventry 2013. [Info] Berry, Michael. »Darulioian Assault: The Orville and Claims of Sexual Assault.« 49th Annual Meeting of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association. Washington, D.C. 2019. [Info] Bhat, Meghna. »A Feminist Critique of the Representation of Women in Films: Bollywood under the Microscope.« 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia 2009. [Info] Bianchi, Bruna, et al. »La violenza alle donne nella Grande guerra: Studi, fonti, prospettive di ricerca.« Terzo Congresso della Società Italiana delle Storiche. Florence 2003. [Info] Bischl, Kerstin. »Gender and Violence in the "Great Patriotic War" in the Soviet Union.« Sexual Violence in World War II. Bonn 2010. [Info] Bischl, Kerstin. »Perspectives on war-caused sexual violence: The Red Army 1941-45.« New Research in the History of Warfare. Cambridge 2010. [Info] Bischl, Kerstin. »Rape Culture in War? The Red Army in 1944/5 and Its Treatment of Women.« 47th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies. Philadelphia 2015. [Info] Bischoff, Christine. »Eine Frage der Ehre? Zur Wirkmächtigkeit eines Emotionskonzepts im Kontext von "Rape and Revenge".« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022. [Info] Blackshear, Chloe. »Performing Tamar: Tirso, Calderón, and Gálvez de Cabrera.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Virtual 2020. [Info] Blanchard, Véronique. »Secret ou surdité ? La justice des enfants face aux violences sexuelles sur mineures (1950-1960).« Taire, confier, révéler: Le secret, de l'intime au social. Paris 2020. [Info] Blanco, Chiara, et al., org. Rape, Revenge and Transformation: Tereus Through the Ages. London 2019. [Info] Blanton-Whetsell, Virginia. »The Shrine's Enclosure of the Female Body: William the Conqueror's Metaphoric Rape of Ely's St. Æthelthryth.« 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1997. [Info] Blaschke, Anne. »Historicizing Title IX, Rape Culture, and Sexual Assault.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.
Blaschke, Anne. »Teaching the History of Sexual Violence in the Age of #MeToo.« 116 [Info] Blécourt, Willem de. »Castration of Sexual Delinquents in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany.« Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. Washington, D.C. 2001. [Info] Bledstein, Adrien J. »Abuse and Recovery: Telling the Story.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2008. [Info] Bledstein, Adrien J. »Abuse and Recovery, 2 Samuel 13:1-22: Telling the Story.« International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Rome 2009. [Info] Block, Sharon. »Coercing Sex within the Bonds of Servitude, 1720-1820.« 109th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Chicago 1995. [Info] Block, Sharon. »Constructing Rape and Race in Early American Courts.« Lecture / University of Southern California. Los Angeles 2004. [Info] Block, Sharon. »Rethinking Rape in Conflict Zones with an Early American Case Study.« The History of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. Iowa City 2006. [Info] Block, Sharon. »Rape: Race, Power and Politics in Early America.« Lecture / University of Oregon. Eugene 2013. [Info] Bloom, Mia, et al. »When Sexually Assaulted Women Are Not Believed: “Ideal Victims” and the October 7 Hamas Attack.« Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2024. [Info] Bobker, Danielle. »Laughter as Cruelty in 'Rape Jokes and the Law'.« 48th ASECS Annual Meeting. Minneapolis 2017. [Info] Bock, Dennis. »Macht und (sexualisierte) Gewalt als Leitmotive in den Erzählungen von Liana Millus "Der Rauch über Birkenau".« Thirty-Ninth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. Washington, D.C., 2015. [Info] Boczar, Amanda. »US Foreign Policy in the Wake of Mass Violence: Bosnia and Rwanda.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016. [Info] Boemler, Anne G. »Ghosts and Grace in Protestant Biblical Poetry.« 66th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Philadelphia 2020. [Info] Bohmbach, Karla G. »A Problematic of Rape: Shechem and Amnon "Become Men".« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Francisco 2011. [Info] Bolz, Manuel, et al., org. Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Rape and Revenge: Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022. [Info] Bongiorno, Frank, et al. »Frank Bongiorno on the history of Australian sex lives.« Conversations with Richard Fidler. Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2012. [Info] Boos, Sonja. »Filmriss: The Politics of Consent in Schnitzler, Schnitt, and Habermas.« Forty-Third Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2019. [Info] Booth, Marilyn. »Un/safe/ly at Home: Narratives of Sexual Coercion in 1920s Egypt.« 13th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. Claremont 2005. [Info] Bos, Pascale. »Memories of a Gendered Violation: Wartime Sexual Violence and the Question of Jewish Women.« 11th Biennial Lessons and Legacies Conference Boca Raton 2010. [Info] Bos, Pascale. »Framing Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict: What We (May) Fail to See.« Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Paris 2012. [Info] Bos, Pascale. »Rumor and Nazi Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women.« Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. Milwaukee 2012. [Info] Bos, Pascale. »Sexual Violence in the Concentration Camps: What Popular Stories Reveal.« Constellations and Dynamics of Sexual Violence. Hamburg 2013. [Info] Bos, Pascale. »A Monument to Rape: Sexual Violence in National Memorial Cultures.« Cultures of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts. London 2014. [Info] Bos, Pascale. »Sexual Violence in the Concentration Camps: What Popular Stories Reveal.« Lecture / University of Calgary. Calgary 2014. [Info] Bos, Pascale R. »Scandalizing Nazi Sexual Violence in Holocaust Literature, 1943-1961.« 47th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Boston 2015. [Info] Bos, Pascale. »Sexual Violence in Nazi Concentration Camps.« »Against Our Will«-Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015. [Info] Bos, Pascale. »The Problem of the Sources: Some Examples related to the Holocaust.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016. [Info] Bos, Pascale R. »On the Rape of Jewish Women: October 7th in the Shadow of the Shoah.« 56th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Virtual 2024. [Info] Boswell, Barbara. »Interrogating 'Truth': Rape, Zoë Wicomb's David's Story, and South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.« 30th Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. Atlanta 2009. [Info] Bott, Bryan. »Christ's "heatel sweord" and the Anchoress: The Economics of Rape in Ancrene Wisse.« 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1994. [Info] Bott, Robin L. »'The girl should not survive her shame': Chaucer's Physician's Questionable Corrective for Rape in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus.« Feminist Criticism and Shakespeare Conference. Rhode Island 1993. [Info] Bott, Robin L. »'The girl should not survive her shame': Chaucer's Physician's Questionable Corrective for Rape in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus.« 26th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association. Colorado Springs 1994. [Info] Bott, Robin L. »"O, keep me from their worse than killing lust": Ideologies of Rape and Mutilation in Chaucer's Physician Tale and Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus.« 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1999. [Info] Boumehache Erjali, Hatin, et al. »Women Facing the Roman Soldiers: Narrative Strategies of Resitance & Attempted Rape During the Roman Mediterranean Expansion (III-II BC).« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Bourbeau, Robert, et al. »Violence and mortality from external causes in Colombia: Analysis of demographic costs during the period 1979-2016.« VIII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Población. Puebla 2018. [Info] Bourguignon, Marie-Amélie, et al. »Religion, Guilt and Shame: When Sin becomes a Crime (15th-16th centuries).« Crime, Violence and the Modern State II. St Petersburg 2009. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Reflections on the History of Rape: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British and American Experience.« Lecture / Universität Zürich. Zurich 2006. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Testimonies from the Winter Soldiers Investigation, Vietnam Veterans.« The Perpetration of Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: Sources of Explanation. Hamburg 2010. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. »A 'diabolical crime': Sexual violence in Irish history.« 20th Australasian Conference for Irish Studies. Sydney 2013. [Info] Bourke, Joanna, et al. »Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts: Film, Testimony, and the Vietnam War.« Lecture / Birkbeck, University of London. London 2014. [Info] Bourke, Joanna, et al. »Cultural History of Sexual Violence.« Talking Research (January 8, 2020). [Info] Bourke, Joanna, et al. »Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence.« New Books in Women's History. New Books Network 2022. [Info] Bowen, Megan. E. »Patterns of Prayer: for Help in Ovid's Metamorphoses and the Suppressed Rape of Lavinia.« 149th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies. Boston 2018. [Info] Boyd, Monica. »Sexual(ized) Violence, 1870-1890: Murdered and Dismembered Bodies in the News.« The Boy and the Page in Victorian Culture. Victoria 2018. [Info] Boyd, Monica. »Victorian Hauntings: Rape Myths, Sexualized Crime, and #MeToo.« 17th Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association. Columbus 2019. [Info] Boyle, Karen. »Television and/as Testimony: (Child) Sexual Abuse and Media Constructions of Believability.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018. [Info] Brachmann, Jens. »Die Aufarbeitung pädosexueller Gewalt als zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgabe: Die DDR-Heimerziehung im Fokus der Arbeit der Unabhängigen Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs.« Aufarbeitung der Heimerziehung der DDR: Erfolge, Herausforderungen und Fragen. Berlin 2016. [Info] Bradford, Helen. »'You Call That Democracy?': Struggles over Abortion in South Africa since the 1960s.« University of the Witwatersrand History Workshop. Johannesburg 1994. [Info] Bradley, Keelyn. »My Body Is the (Cutting-) Edge of Terrorism: Rape, Dismemberment, and Embodied Violence.« 52nd Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Virtual 2021. [Info] Braig, Katharina. »Compensation for Victims of Sexual Violence During Armed Conflicts.« Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law. Berlin 2007. [Info] Brassel, Kate M. »On Violence Against Trojan Women.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Brennan, Kathleen. »The Rape of Babylon.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego 2007. [Info] Bretschneider, Falk. »Unzucht im Zuchthaus.« Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe siècle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008. [Info] Brick, Emily. »The Rape-Revenge Narrative in Contemporary French Horror Cinema.« European Nightmares: An International Conference on European Horror Cinema. Manchester 2006. [Info] Bridger, Emily, et al., org. 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023. [Info] Briggs, Harriet. »Playthings and Puritans: Sex, Pleasure and Coercion in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre and Walter Scott's Kenilworth.« Taking Liberties: Sex, Pleasure, Coercion (1748-1928). Newcastle upon Tyne 2012. [Info] Brin, Raphaëlle. »'Triompher par la force': Sexual Violence and its Representation in Casanova's Histoire de ma vie.« Casanova: Libertine Legend. Los Angeles 2016. 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